

Hi guys !

I'm currently in Toronto, Canada, in order to do a training course for school. I've already been to Montreal, which is francophone, and now I'm near Toronto, in the Ontario district, where English is spoken. Have you already been there? It really is beautiful and really huge, but, most of all, it's so... high ! How many skyscrapers have I seen so far?! Too much to count them all !

I've taken loads of photos, especially of the sunset because, you see, I wasn't really in Montreal, but in the country, so there were beautiful colours because of the Nature around the house. I can't put many photos on this blog, but I guess I'll soon put some of them on my blog. If you're interested, I may give you the address a day.

Well, enjoy yourselves in holidays ! =) ( Today is a holiday for Canadians of Montreal, because it's the National Holiday... Well, the Distric Holiday, actually...





Ah, la France !

Le rêve de tous, n'est-ce pas? Paris, la tour Eiffel qui scintille, les innombrables musées, la cathédrale, l'opéra, les bateaux-mouche... C'est vrai que ça fait rêver. Et vous? Êtes-vous déjà allés à Paris? Si oui, qu'en avez-vous pensé? Et sinon... voudriez-vous y aller?

(Photo : Je l'ai prise moi-même. C'est un des bateaux qui naviguent sur la Seine.)


Como poder ir a Francia

En Mexico esta dificil la cituacion economica a veces pienso que no podre ir a conoser paises diferentes yo trabajo como dentista y no alcansa el dinero pero algun dia ire a conoserlos paises estados unidos New-Yyork, Paris etc... Ellos son mis mejores amigos son doctores tambien bueno nos vemos pronto chiau bay-.



Hallo ! =)

Ich kann deutsch nicht sehr gut sprechen, aber I möchte diesen neuen Artikel in deutsch schreiben, um zu erklären warum Deutsch so wichtig für mich ist.

Wenn ich ein Kind war, ich dachte, dass deutsch nicht eine sehr schöne Sprache war. Aber später, wenn ich die deutsche Musik entdecke, dachte ich, dass es nicht so hässlich war. Außerderm, die Texten waren (für die Mehrheit) sehr schöne und sehr rührende. Nach die Lieder der Gruppe am besten mir gefällt, hört ich der Musik anderen Gruppen an.

Busuu hilfte mir sehr um deutsch zu lernen. Und euch? Warum Busuu hilft euch, eine Sprache zu lernen? Und warum lerntet ihr dieser Sprache?


Hi, I'm Margot

Hello, my name is Margot, I'm sixteen.

I'm french and I've always liked foreign languages. It started with English and then with German. Unfortunatly, my parents, who studied German at school and hated it, didn't want me to study it, so I started learning Spanish. Spanish is a very beautifil language too, but later, when I started listenning to german music, I started learning it alone too.

Busuu helped me a lot : I've learnt loads of vocabulary but, most of all, I was able to speak with antive speakers, and that's what made me become better and better.I've taken a German exam recently. I hope I successed.

That's why I created this blog ; I wanted to thank Busuu and try to share everything I learnt and the way I did with people who have the same interests as me.

Your turn ! What did Busuu bring to you?